About us


The team of Kos Genetic is tightly integrated with the research team of the Genomic & Bioinformatic Platform of the Filarete Foundation.
Both teams share the same organization, processes, equipments and informatic solutions even in the sharp division of the jobs and the related accounting statements.
This homogeneous and integrated team is splitted into 5 units:

>>> Wet Lab with 8 people;
>>> Dry Lab with 8 people;
>>> Phenotypes area with 17 people;
>>> Bioinformatics area with 7 people;
>>> Mgmt & Administration with 5 people.

Board of directors

  • Pietro Conti (email) - MD, CEO of Kos Genetic, Specialist in Health Management and Economics
  • Elisabetta Borello (email) - Economist, President of Kos Genetic, specialized in Health Organization and ICT in Health